Disney On Ice

Oh boy oh boy! This past Wednesday the whole Wheatley clan, with the exception of Ang and Vince (we missed you guys), had the privilege to attend Disney on Ice. I had been once before, when Liz was in high school I tagged along with her and her friends, but I don't know, this Disney on Ice seemed so much more magical than I had remembered. Maybe it was because I was sitting in the audience thinking soon I will always been surrounded by Disney joy! I think I enjoyed the show more than anyone else in the entire building, no lie. To put it in the words of my father, he leaned over to me during the show and said, "Abby, it can't get any better for you, ice skating, dancing, and Disney!" He could not have been more correct. My family all knows my weird obsession with professional ice skating but I only like it so much because I know I could never do it myself. Maybe someday I will get over this obsession, if the leotards, corny music, gruesome falls, and highly feminine men don't get to me soon, then there is most likely a serious problem that needs to be paid attention to.