Everything here in Florida is great! And the weather is finally starting to warm up. Today is my one day off where I thought I was going to have a chance to lay out by the pool and of course, it rained and was cloudy. Oh well, today has also been the longest amount of time I have spent in my apartment during the day, a whole 4 hours! Yeah! Yes it is a major accomplishment. Ever since I arrived everything has been go go go. But that is a good thing. Work is fun and I get to interact with some fun and not so fun guests. I feel though that after this experience in retail, I could work in any store in America!!! I have seen it all. Yesterday a man was shoving trading pins by the hundreds into his bag and left the store before security could get there, that was a sad story. Anyways...

I have still been complilingsome lists and itineraries of the must sees of Disney World. I can now say that so far the Tiki Room, The Country Bears, Stitches Adventure, Buzz Lightyear, and various other rides can be skipped. Also I have been tempted by all of the good food here at Disney! And oh boy is there a lot of it. When you are surrounded 24/7 by tourists who are constantly eating junk food, ice cream, cotton candy, and popcorn, you start to want to eat that 24/7 too!!! I think I have already put on 5 lbs. If not more! Yes those are the glorious Disney Land cookies and they can be found just about everywhere in the park! Are they trying to kill me!!!Ok so to prove my point this might sound a little confusing but, I just wrote that first half of the blog yesterday, now it is Friday morning. Let me show you what I did last night!

Yes I did partake of this huge monster. 8 scoops of ice cream, a whole can of whipped cream, cherries, strawberries, pineapple, caramels and peanut and fudge, snickers, brownies and Oreos, all combined into one huge and massive Sundae called “The Kitchen Sink”!!! Don’t worry we split it between the six of us. It was delicious though. Life here is pretty dang good, I can tell you one thing, it is going to be really boring when I come home and there is nothing to do on the weekends but go to a movie at Jordan Commons or something. Ha ha, the old life! I have made so many new friends here from all over the world, literally! It's awesome I always meet someone new everyday. Well I best be going, the gym calls, especially after what I ate last night!


All is well on the Disney home front. I had my first day on the job without a trainer yesterday and I didn't do too bad. By the way, this sweatshirt I am wearing is my pride and joy. It was a children's sweatshirt but I just bought the biggest size. It is so cute, and comes in very handy since the weather here in Florida has been really really cold. Burr!!! Last night I waited 40 min. for a bus home from work in the freezing cold and had to stand the whole 30 min. ride home on the bus! Lets just say I am just like my mother and blow dried myself for a good 1/2 hour when I got to my apartment.

Yes, I finally found Mary Poppins! There is a face character audition this Wednesday and I am debating about going, but I also have to work in the later afternoon so it is still up in the air. I have been to all the parks now and can't decide which one is my favorite. They are all very exciting and completely different. The world showcase, yummy food, and soarin at Epcot, the Safari at Animal Kingdom, Philhar Magic at Magic Kingdom, and Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios. There are must sees in every park, so for those of you coming out to visit, be prepared for a Danny Tanner style itinerary of fun!!! I should have everything down pat by then.
By the way, I had the fish and chips at Epcot once again in England and may I say they are the best fish and chips in the world. So, so, so good. You can expect to see that on the itinerary!

Let's Put On A Show!!!!

Ok!!! So I am here in Florida! I am sorry but I haven't had time to breathe let alone post pictures on this blog. In just about five minutes I head off to my first day of training working in the Emporium on Main Street USA, in this costume mind you. I am very excited! It is the busiest and largest store however on any Disney property so it is going to be insane. Wish me luck, and have a magical day!