So I'm Back...
Hmph... back to the same old same old mundane life of Abby. Needless to say, I want to go back. :( I miss it too much. While I did absolutely dread going into work everyday (ahem 6 days a week, ya that's right) There were too many things to love about it. Like these hilarious things guests would say to me... (these are from actual real encounters... I'm not making this up)

"OH MY GOSH! You look exactly like Jessica Alba, you should take that as a compliment."
"Are you the nurse?" ( What the?)
" Will this fit my 3 yr. old back home?" (how should I know aren't you their mother)
" If that fell on his head it would've been a LAWSUIT!!!" (Said very bitterly and angrily)
" Do you work here?" (I'd honestly get asked this about twice everyday... do you think I'm wearing this 1900's get up for nothing)
"Woman! Woman! Woman! How much this cost?" (This was said by a foreign little boy around the age of eight... yes I was highly offended)
"Where's that green guy...Oh....what's his name... Shreck!?"
I've also been asked where's Bugs Bunny, Ruggrats, Daffy Duck, Teletubies, Clifford, pretty much any Looney Toons or Nickilodian character.
My personal favorite though has to be when anyone would see my name tag, which says Brigham Young University. Many things would happen after this...
Most common response: "Brigham Young Eh?" (As they'd eye me down)
Pretty Common: "Ah, that's a good school, good sports program." or
" There are lots of people here at Disney from Brigham Young." or " your a long ways from home"
Least Common: Only happened once... and is probably one of my most hilarious experiences ever. " Ah, so you're mormon ... so isn't this like your usual get up?" Oh what I wish I could've said to these people.
Other hilarious encounters include...

When a member of the RLDS church stopped me and started giving me a history of his church, uh, a little uncomfortable.

I just finished ringing up a middle aged woman and her elderly mother, handed them their receipt, was putting the money in the till when I looked up to find the middle aged woman dumping out all the merchandise I just put into the bag so the elderly woman could um... how you say... get sick in it. Ha ha all in front of me. To make this night even better not even 5 min. after that someone fell right outside the door and split their head open, I had to go get the help, and about 3 mugs shattered with 15 min of all of this.

Oh and then there's the night that someone decided to poop in our store. Oh yes, not a child (we've had many a child not able to control their bladder) this was a grown middle aged woman. Took a squat during the evening parade... and who had to place and remove caution signs around it... round of applause for me. Oh did I mention that custodial didn't show up for hmm TWENTY MINUTES to clean it up!

Then there are the embarrassing moments such as breaking a guest's mug as you are wrapping it for them, so you have to go get another... that's not too bad though. What about this one... saying to a little kid "hey how ya doin there goofy" only this little boy isn't wearing a goofy hat he's wearing a pluto hat. So to fix my little blunder I awkwardly say "ohh, that's Pluto, not Goofy" followed by one of those awkward laughs that fades out. The boy only stared back. Oh, and then there's the time that a lady came in and was looking for the ariel dress... I was pretty positive, no make that positive, that we did not have it. She kept on saying are you sure, and I told her about 4 times that we don't carry it. Well wouldn't you know five min. later I see her holding an ariel dress across the room! Guess I don't know everything.


Jared said...

ok so i'm sorry i doubted your awkward moments...but i still don't know if it makes you an awkward person...just the situations that you are in are awkward...really funny though. oh yeah, and i hope you don't mind me following. i kinda just saw it and was like "hmmmm this looks interesting."

Amy said...

Abby in Disneyworld. If only I could've been a fly on the wall.

Mallory said...

Mundane? Pish posh--you are about to create Beaker, so hopefully that will bring the magic into your life you'll be missing from Disneyworld! I love that the guy thought your outfit was your "usual get-up".