Feral Cats, Overalls, and Whistlers
Why is it that every apartment complex I've lived in has been infested with feral cats? I have always been afraid of cats (this isn't a joke). Ever since i saw my cousin get nearly scratched to death by my grandma's scary cat... things just haven't been the same. These cats like to sleep under the stairwells and in the parking garages of every complex I've lived in and scare the living daylights out of me. Yet what puzzles me the most is who is the girl who leaves out the open cans of cat food by the stairwell to lure the cats even closer! College students barely have enough food to feed themselves let alone wild felines! Ugh... on to my next item of business. This week a very strange thing happened while on BYU campus... I saw two, yes two, grown men wearing overalls in the same day. A rare sight, I felt like a was missing out on something...I still haven't figured it out yet. Now onto my last item... Anyone who knows me knows that I do not do well with people who whistle to themselves in public. Lets just say alot of people (oddly enough it's always guys) find it enjoyable to whistle to themselves as they walk around campus in between classes. This week the one that really caught my attention was the tune of the disney classic The Bare Necessities. Why do these people think that everyone wants to listen to their whistling. You'd think they'd get the idea to stop when everyone walking around them stops to scope out who the noise maker is. The only time whistling should be aloud is during the Andy Griffith's Show theme song, and only when done with heart. Maybe if that were whistled on campus, I'd be ok with it.


Liz and John Behunin said...

ummm hello, you live in happy valley. What do you expect, overalls and whistlers are to be expected. And as for the Cat ladies, what else are the old maids going to do on a saturday night. Okay, I'll admit that I'm being a bit harsh, but Provo is just such a strange place.

Unknown said...

i hate cats.

feefoo said...

yup, I'm a whistler. A Disney fan like you should follow Snow Whites example and "Whistle while you work" it makes the job more enjoyable. Grandpa John was a major whistler and never was without a tune as he worked, maybe thats where I get it from. We had a man in our ward that would whistle instead of sing the hymns in church, now that was anoying.