Back to the Mundane....

So I guess finals made my life a little hectic this week... (a little is a grave understatement) I guess I learned this semester that you can't slack off for three months and try to learn everything in a week.... the end result is not rewarding or enjoyable to say the least... its so unlike me to procrastinate and not care about grades, but I can't explain a lot of a lot of my behavior lately... for example.... For about the past two weeks I have had ipod dance parties by myself in my room... (depressing? strange? what the?... these are all valid questions) my last dance escapade lasted until 2 am. Don't even ask me how that happened!!!!!! I really think I am going insane. I also can't explain why I've been feeling sympathy lately towards our apartment building's ferrel cat AND when ever anyone says anything I seem to turn it into a thats what she said..... Ahhhhh

But now that Christmas Break is here I am back to the same old same old. No more tests, no work, and hopefully no more late night dance parties!!!! I wonder if my roommates wonder what all the ruckus is in my room?

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