Organic Schmore-ganic No More!
I was always riding the train that said why do people pay so much for organic food? It isn't that much different and costs leaps and bounds more than regular food... but lets just say that after
reading this book and a whole heap of health blogs..... I may be making some dramatic changes about what I eat.
Yep, thats right! I am actually going to give up all my fake foods... and I sure do eat plenty of them. Sugar Free Jam, Sugar Free Syrup, White Splenda, Brown Splenda, Low Fat Peanut Butter, Low Fat but sugary yogurts, Artificial Butter Spray, fat free mayo, 45 calorie bread and various other health hazardous food. It had never occurred to me that these "free foods" were actually playing tricks on my metabolism fooling it into thinking it didn't have to do any work because the food was covered in so many harmful and disguised chemicals that my body naturally can't recognize.
I have become addicted to reading food labels now and trying to pronounce all the ridiculous names of chemicals listed in the ingredients... It cannot be healthy to eat such processed foods and sadly that is all children do eat today. Blue Box Mac and Cheese (which don't get me wrong is sadly delicious) with all its artificial coloring and taste ( powered cheese isn't natural right?) I don't even want to begin to research what is in hot dogs, or the lacking nutrition of breaded frozen chicken nuggets. I don't think that it is any mystery why our society is so so so unhealthy; I really believe that a big part of this comes from processed foods and what foods we teach our children to love. So I'm about to go on this low processed journey and see how it feels.
Three pieces of advice that I pulled from this book are to stay away from processed meats, artificial coloring, and harmful plastics. Some of the absolute worst preservatives are found in processed and prepackaged deli meats, hotdogs, and diet hamburgers; they are extremely harmful and raise cancer risks by 42%!!!!!!! And also avoid artificial colored products, artificial coloring has also been linked to skyrocketing 5 kinds of cancer!!!! How to avoid it? Choose color- free medications for your kids and also choose popsicles made with real fruit as opposed to rainbow freezy pops. Also did you know that even nalgene bottles contain harmful plastics? I had to throw 3 of mine away after looking on the bottom to see that they were the harmful kind!!! So look at the bottom of your water bottle and if it has #3,6, or 7 throw it out!!! Jillian also says that you should hand wash your plastic water bottles just to be safe and if they ever get a cloudy appearance replace it!!!!! Thank you Jillian for changing yet another person's life! Oh.... and Happy Canada Day to one and all!!!!