
Do you know who this guy is? Jimmer Fredette. Only one of the best college bball players in the nation right now.  4 months ago I had no idea who this person was. Nor did I know that I sat smack dab next to him in class all last semester. I found out who he was and just what a big deal he is as the semester approached its end, which is highly unfortunate because I never said anything to him... not even once. But I don't feel too bad, my professor didn't know who he was either... referring to him as "himmer?" As my mom told me... I'm a loser for not saying anything.  But I'd like to think that if he didn't know he was sitting next to Abby Wheatley all semester, its really his loss. bahhaaaa


jamie lynne said...

hahaha. i completely agree.

Elora said...

'Himmer'. hahaha that was hilarious. Also hilarious that you didn't figure out who he was until like December...I guess I should have told you sooner.