Dating in P-Town Dos

So in my ward we have this dating & relationships class, and let me tell you, church has become much more entertaining because of it. I think they should replace regular sunday school classes in all singles wards with this class.  I mean, I didn't even have to pull out my doodle paper pad once! It was only a four week deal, so the class is over now but some hilarious things came out of it.

Such as... " Guys, don't corner girls into a date." Amen to that sista. Cornering a girl into a date is calling her and asking "hey what are you doing Friday night?". The girl starts to think... oh boy... what do they want? Are they going to ask me out? Or are they asking me to help with the ward service project or something along those dreadful lines. If she says that she's doing nothing, she's almost obligated to go out the guy regardless of how she feels. If she says she's busy, the guy is pretty much toasted. See.... burned on both ends. This is an awful way to ask someone out. One time an attractive male called me with that exact same intro and I thought, wow is he asking me out? Wrong! I said I was free.... but.... too bad it wasn't a date with him, he was asking me to double with his friend who wasn't quite all the way there, if you know what I mean. Ever since I have been very tactical when it comes to phone calls like that.

I've also learned its ok to say no. Sometimes it feels like you get asked out by all the wrong guys, and the ones you really want to ask you out are either too scared, unobservant, or not interested. I have a really big problem with always saying yes even when I don't want to. I'm predictable. I'll go on a first date and if  its fun, I'll always say yes to a second. But then usually something "interesting" happens on the second date and I tend to flee, then proceed to disappear into outer darkness so the boy can't ever find me again. You'd think that by never hanging out with someone or returning calls they'd get the idea. I'm an avoider, but what I really just need to do is say no. Has anyone ever said no, and had a positive experience before? If you have I'd really like to know. I can say that I've never met a girl who's just straight up said no, without lying or making up an excuse. I'd be the first of my kind if I could pull it off.

(P.S. This may be one of my favorite pictures of all time)

Finally, the big M-word. Marriage. This article explains it all I'm 20 years old. Uhhh.... thats really young. But somehow mormon culture tells me that by graduating from BYU unmarried (which I will be doing this year) I'm a lost cause. Marriage will happen when it happens, its not a race and by George shouldn't be! Read this article, its pretty spot on! This concludes Dating in P-town exposed: issue #2 by Gail. (which is what people are calling me these days, and its truly awful, but if you can't beat it, embrace it)


jamie lynne said...

okay, so next time i'm expecting you to take your own advice...
it's okay to say no!
and goodness, it sucks that we're so old and alone and about to graduate only to lead us to the remainder of our lonely life!
but heyy, at least we didn't get hitched on spring break, senior year of high school, right?

ps: with the deactivation of fb, i'm looking forward to more posts! woo. and you must help me create bloggage.

Ashley said...

Abby, just found your cute blog. After Brett asked a girl out for like the third time (didn't get the avoiding vibe) she told him she just wasn't interested. He said he was hurt for a second but then he really appreciated her telling him so he could not waste his time.

I said no to a boy once and that I wasn't interested and it was really awkward. I think my face turned really red and I ran away. Good luck.