NO sweets NO facebook February

I am saying goodbye to these delectable treats for the month of February. No sweets. Period. I did this same fast last January and honestly it feels so good. You don't really even crave sugar anymore by the time the month is over. 

The only issue with this challenge is that people can give you a lot of grief for doing this and try to break you! Already people have been saying, "But Valentine's is in February!!!!" Like Valentine's is even supposed to be a big deal? haha

Another thing I'm giving up is facebook. I realized just how much time I waste on it and deactivated my account. I've only been without facebook for two days... but I've already been so much more productive.


jamie lynne said...

dangitt..i'm the "people" giving you grief...but heyy, i've joined the pack now! all i wanted was a sugar cookie decorating party! I guess we'll have to decorate four leaf clover cookies next month.

Katherine said...

I vote get back on face book! Cheers for giving up sweets

angie said...

I can't give up facebook, or sweets. I am weak.