Guilty Pleasure #9

Now by no means have I EVER watched Family Guy, but my sister showed me this clip and we love love love the way he says Guilty.... now every time I say the word guilty in this post, you'd best imagine I'm saying it like this...

ok ok now onto the GUILTY pleasure

Childhood is the greatest. Recess, capri suns, playing outside till its dark, and pretending to be asleep on late car rides home just so your parents will carry you to bed (so you don't have to brush your teeth). Some of my favorite childhood memories come from my favorite TV shows. Oh yeah, Guilty Pleasure #8: I still like to watch children's TV. I was at the gym the other day and Arthur was on TV, which is my all time favorite show! I felt kinda funny watching it as everyone else around me was watching Bad Girls Club or Jersey Shore. Who cares?

 Winnie the Pooh... GUILTY.................There is a new movie coming to theaters soon... I will be going to see it, most likely by myself.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..... GUILTY............. They have a live stage version of this show at Disney World. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see it. And also that I didn't want to go back and see it again. 

Sesame Street... seriously you can't go wrong with this one. Katherine and I watch the Christmas Special (which we still own on VHS made in the 70s) every year..... GUILTY!

Tinker Bell, yes true I did live with her once upon a time, but I loved these movies before I even left for Florida. No wonder I like babysitting... I get to watch all my favorite shows! 

One last time for kicks..... GUILTY!!!!!!!


Katherine said...

I'm singing it in my head.....GUILTYYYYYYYYY...

jamie lynne said...

i can totally imagine you singing "guilty" you wouldddd