Time for an Awkward Moment

Shout Out to BYU!!! A university like none other.... Awkward BYU shoutout awarded to guy in the wilk praying over his taco and in the square dancing in tight white pants to "shake your groove thing" In case anyone wants to witness this for themselves he is out there on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 1pm!!! Way to go white spandex boy!

As if my life isn't already a conglomerate of awkward situations, I experienced a truly blog worthy encounter last night. So as of late my life hasn't been anything but hectic...(except for the two hours I wasted yesterday watching a two hour true hollywood story of the entire full house cast, which I actually considered to be quite educational)... anyways...

I was running from one class to a review for my marketing class yesterday and I was late walking in so I conveniently slipped into a seat on the back row as I have anxiety about walking down stairs in front of large groups of people. I sat down and asked the random guy next me a random question about what the TA just said. It was merely a "question seeking an answer" type of question... I think he mistook it as a "hey i want to get to know you so I'm going to ask you a question to start conversation... type of question. Needless to say for the rest of the review he continued to talk to me and tell me stories about things I didn't care to hear at all...I came to review for the test not have creepy older guys pick up on me... And to sum it all up he awkwardly and out of nowhere asks for my number and if he could take me out sometime...
Many problems with this senario
#1. Anyone who asks you out after two minutes of talking to you is mearly only attracted to you superficially...I CLEARLY I'm not attracted to him.
#2. I did not give any signs of interest toward this person... In fact I was quite rude. I believe when he asked for my number I said "ummmmmmmm...... sure"
#3. He has no idea of what kind of person I am, I could be one of those people who wander around campus and the HFAC singing opera and showtunes.
#4. He surely made it a point to get my first and last name...information I deeply regret giving out.
#5. He quite creeplily somehow found where I was in class this morning and decided to sit next to me, as I sat cringing and avoiding eye contact the entire class.
#6. The best part of this is that I don't remember his name or really what he even looks like at this point... maybe that can work to my advantage.

So if anyone wants to be my boyfriend in Marketing at 8 am on tuesdays and thursdays or knows any good body gaurds to protect me from my new stalker... I'd appreciate it.


angie said...

Free dinner.

I would say if you do go out with him, pray over your dinner, but that may be something he likes.

Good Luck! Once my roommate told a guy off for me. Use a roommate!

Karla said...

Maybe he has a cute normal roommate!

Denise said...

You should have said you have a boyfriend. Wait you still can. If he calls just say you thought he wanted your number in case he missed a day and needed an assignment. Or had a questions about class. Or just be bold and tell him you are not interested.
You make me laugh!

Amanda Swafford said...

Abby! I love your blog!

I finally got around to reading it today and I love it. I had to read ALL your posts from Disney. It made me miss it so bad! Ugh, I cannot wait for my next trip down there.

Hope you're doing well! You should think about being a campus rep sometime!