Holla back for Awesome Professors yo!!!!

My professors have been in a really good mood lately, gotta love it while it lasts.

This is an excerpt from my Geography of U.S. and Canada class discussion today

" I've always said that B's are for balance. If I balance a job, dating life, church callings, and schoolwork at the same time then I will get a B in a class. Where as those students who get A's... well they're not married for one thing! They don't date, don't have a job, or read their scriptures. B people do." - my professor

Maybe next time I get a B, I won't cry about it to my family over the phone. (which has been known to happen in the past). After all B is for Balanced.

Ps. On a major side note, everyone should know that I had run ins with two local celebrities this week... Carole Mikita and Provo's very own B Money$ Be jealous!

1 comment:

jamie lynne said...

was this Galland?! i remember him telling us that! i find it profound. lovee it. love that man!