
This is my 100th blog post! So in celebration I listed 100 of some of my absolute favorite things.

Anthropologie. Art History. Apples. Antique stores. Being on time. Boots. Blogs. Beatles music. Boys who wear good shoes. Bread Pudding. Thank you cards. Cruises. Canada. Cardigans. Classical music. Costco. Cow licks (named Buelah). Candles. Cooking. Dinosaurs. Drawing pictures in church. Doodling in general. Doing impersonations. Disney. Earth. Earl of Sandwich. Emporium. Exercise (in the gym, cuz you know I don’t play sports). Family. Florida. French Toast. Friends. Fruit. Frozen Yogurt. Flowers. Grandparents. Gap. Gospel. Geography. Homemade lunches. Hiking (which I need to do more). Humidity. Hide & Go Seek. Humus. Ipods. Jobs. John Mayer. Jam. Jokes. Kitchen appliances. Letters (sending and receiving). Little white dogs. Lamp lighting. Latte bowls. Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies. Laughing. Movie Trailers. Mountains. Maple everything. Maps. Muffin. Mustard. Making lists. Marilyn Monroe. Nail polish. Nordstrom. New York City. Olympics. Organizing. Old movies. Privia hunting. People watching. Peanut Butter. Phone calls. Quilting. Rain. Restaurants. Recycling. Random thoughts. Rock collections. Salads. Salsa. Sampling. SNL. Shoes. Shopping. Skype. Traveling. Trees. The Tower of Terror. Trail Mix. Target. Umbrellas. Urban Outfitters. United States of America. Valentine’s Day. Vintage items. Wilderness Lodge. Warm weather. Zebra domes. 

If you didn't know me before... now you do! Thanks to all 5 of you who read this blog! If I left anything that is quintessentially Abby out of the list be sure to let me know. Peace and Blessings. 


jamie lynne said...

you forgot christmas! and the today show. and dates from smiths. and cupcakes!
and lint. cleaning checks. unshoveled driveways. garbage disposals. fire. and tumbling gyms!

Abby said...

How could I ever have forgotten the Today show!!!! Thank you Jamie!