So I am doing an experiment. Sad as it is... I can't go one day without checking my facebook. It has become an awful habit so I am abandoning my facebook for one week. Its truly sad but it will be one of the hardest things I've ever done. Boo Hoo Hoo. Now what will I do to procrastinate? hmmmm maybe actually my homework!

Happy Birthday Chica!!!!

Chica bonita is 24!!!!!!!

Sisters.... Sisters..... there were never such devoted sisters
Love You!!!!!!


Apparently I grew up on planet mars. Ever heard of pogs? A little cardboard circle used in a slapping game of sorts... if you haven't please let me know because I seem to be the only child from the 90s that missed out on the phenomenon. How can this be? My parents remember, all my siblings remember, but not me!!!!
This picture is horrifically disgusting, its the worst picture I could find of pogs, so therefore it had to be used. Ever since I was a child ALF has scared the crap out of me. The mere sight of his image makes me ill, I hate him! Almost as I much as I hate this whole pog nonsense. Apparently, they were as big of a deal as nanos, giga pets, and furbees.
Rest assured I owned plenty of those bad boys and still to this day have them. Koala Giga, Cat Giga, and two nano babies are all residing comfortably in my bedroom back home.

This pog ordeal will most likely drag me to the looney bin. For months I have been trying to plan a childhood nostalgia night/party. But now who will come, I mean everyone will want to play pogs, and I don't even know what they are! I guess every kid didn't collect rocks and potato bugs like me, or give pretend blessings to their dog... yes Katherine and I did attempt to give Muffin a blessing long ago. But we also gave a potato bug a proper funeral with a headstone and all; go can call us crazy because.....we are.

Do you know about pogs? Enlighten me.
mmm... another quarter life crisis... that sounds good... I'll have that

So just when I think I have my whole life planned out... graduating in April, floral design school, possible Skywest internship, my world has been turned upside down yet again.

My dream study abroad (which as of one week ago was not being offered in 2011) is now open and set for applicants! I would kill to go on this study abroad. Its the art history one, only this time it is only going to Italy, France, and London and we'll be there for a lot less time than the previous study abroads have been!

It is also the most competitive study abroad to be accepted to at BYU.. 26/82 people were accepted last year and only 6 non majors and I'm not an Art History major! So now I am considering becoming an Art History minor to bump my chances, which isn't bad at all as I love the subject. But that means delaying graduation even further and taking another 12 credits.

I don't know what to do. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see my favorite works in person and this is my ticket!!! I need advice people! Especially from the previous study abroad folks who read this blog! Is it worth it? More school, tests, finals, and enduring horrible whistlers at BYU for a possible 2 extra semesters just to go to Europe for 20-30 days? I'm lost. Help me. Should I graduate and go to Europe on my own or delay and go with BYU?
Guilty Pleasure #6

It is well known that the Wheatley's enjoy quoting movies... a little too much. Those who are not apart of our family have no idea what we are saying half the time... I love it when people mistake quotes for my own original jokes...and hate it when people think "this girl probably needs help". Anyhow, if you are not apart of the elusive club that can decode our lingo here's a glimpse at beginners guide to Wheatley Speech 101

Know every funny moment from: ( I've given only one of the many favorite quotes next to each)

Father of the Bride 1 and 2- "Two Vasnics!!??"
Return to Me- "Goodnight Nurse!!! He's just a man!"
Beautician and the Beast- "Svetlana!!! Svetlana wait up"
Jurassic Park- "now you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour"
Sleepless in Seattle- " you don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie"
While You Were Sleeping- " I love black underwears!!!"
The Night They Saved Christmas- "Gotta be ready by Christmas Eve and its gotta be made with love"
Only You- "el freewayo"
The Burbs- " it came with the frame"
Groundhog Day- "Look out for that one its a dooooosie"
What About Bob- "Who's Betty? I'm Betty... ahhhh.... so you're Betty"
Christmas Vacation- "And why is the carpet wet Todd... I don't know Margo"

The best part of this whole quoting situation is that this summer I was driving in the car with Katherine... and I knew I was quoting a movie when I said "I agree... I agree" I just didn't know exactly what I was quoting. So I ask her... "what is that from again".... Katherine replied.... "you're quoting me!!!"

Oh boy... the joys of making movies in high school... Party For Nine, Dinner for One will go down in history. "Tally Ho!!!" "is that you're wedding ring?" "you have a crumb on your lip" "Daniels!!! I'm gonna kill him!!!" "That won't do"

If you didn't understand any of that... you so obviously need to buy Wheatley Speech 101 on Amazon.

Disney Half Marathon

Before I get to the race, there must first be an shoutout to Whitney Picklesiemer ( I'm sorry if I mis-spelled your last name) as she got married this past weekend!!!! The wedding was gorgeous! Love you Whit!

Ok... onto the race. We had to be at the meeting area in the morning by 4:30 am. I woke up at 3:15 because I couldn't sleep from the anticipation. We waited around until the race started at 6 am. We were in one of the last corrals so we didn't officially start running until maybe 6:30ish.

I was feeling good until mile 5 when my knees started hurting, so I slowed my pace and slowly the pain went away. We got to run through both Disney parks and Angels stadium (which was totally awesome). There were Disney characters as you ran through the parks that cheered you on and you could stop to take your pictures with. There were so many spectators!!!! They spanned the entire race! There were high schools from all over S. CA there to cheer us on. They even cheered me on by name "come on Abby you can do it" "Go Abby!!!!" I felt like a celebrity. No big deal. I finished with 2:35 as my time, not bad for only training by running 3 miles max on the treadmill the week of the race. I am so stoked I could do another one. Of course I'm sore but its bearable.
I don't know how many pictures I have of me in 3D glasses after all of my Disney days but we had to take one while we were waiting for Captain EO. Which rocked.... literally. I was bouncing in my seat!
We sported our medals all day long at the park... we're some of "those" people.
As Liz calls this photo... "our after party at the Hollywood Tower Hotel" and we stayed at the park till midnight to watch the new water show at CA Adventure. Thats right folks... up in the morning at 3:15 and to by by 12:30.... plus running 13.1 miles in between... it was a long day.

We also went to this awesome antique district called Orange Circle and they had some amazing stuff. They had this amazing turquoise piano for $300!!!!! I wanted to take it home with me in my carry on. I definitely want to come back to this district next time I'm in LA.
I also want to do another half marathon!!!! Anyone want to do the Princess half marathon in Orlando at the end of this coming February???! I am dying to do it! I get to run around my old home of 8 months and escape the cold of Utah!!!!! And if you do one in Florida and one in CA in the same year you get a special Coast to Coast medal!!!! Thats 3 medals for two races!!!! Seriously a half marathon was one of the most fun things I have ever done in my entire life! And I can't imagine a better one to do than Disney. So people..... do one with me! You won't regret it!

John Mayer Concert

There are way too many John Mayer haters in this world. He is amazingly talented and I don't care what anyone else thinks. He is on of the greatest musicians and is a brilliant beyond brilliant guitar player. He has actual raw talent as opposed to so many other wanna be's.

Owl City opened for him and they were really good. I love that this is just a kid from the plain states playing the keyboard in his basement who was randomly discovered.
Um.... yeah..... we had pretty darn good seats
He had an amazing jam session of sorts with a clarinet of all instruments. I love it. Who else but John Mayer would combine a clarinet and uke? His concert had none of the stupid flashy cheese.... just straight up good music.
We were a little unsure of what he was wearing though. Sear sucker capri-flood pants with suede shoes/boots, and a bandana as a headband. He said "this is what happens when I dress myself, no one chose this for me, I may have a death wish on my love life but at least I feel good." Some what of a quack in his personal life but I still love his music.
New John Mayer covers he played .... sitting on the dock of the bay and journey's don't stop believen'. Great Concert.

Final Side Note: USANA you make my parking lot phobia practically inflate to an all time high. Avoid that parking lot at all costs!