Guilty Pleasure #6

It is well known that the Wheatley's enjoy quoting movies... a little too much. Those who are not apart of our family have no idea what we are saying half the time... I love it when people mistake quotes for my own original jokes...and hate it when people think "this girl probably needs help". Anyhow, if you are not apart of the elusive club that can decode our lingo here's a glimpse at beginners guide to Wheatley Speech 101

Know every funny moment from: ( I've given only one of the many favorite quotes next to each)

Father of the Bride 1 and 2- "Two Vasnics!!??"
Return to Me- "Goodnight Nurse!!! He's just a man!"
Beautician and the Beast- "Svetlana!!! Svetlana wait up"
Jurassic Park- "now you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour"
Sleepless in Seattle- " you don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie"
While You Were Sleeping- " I love black underwears!!!"
The Night They Saved Christmas- "Gotta be ready by Christmas Eve and its gotta be made with love"
Only You- "el freewayo"
The Burbs- " it came with the frame"
Groundhog Day- "Look out for that one its a dooooosie"
What About Bob- "Who's Betty? I'm Betty... ahhhh.... so you're Betty"
Christmas Vacation- "And why is the carpet wet Todd... I don't know Margo"

The best part of this whole quoting situation is that this summer I was driving in the car with Katherine... and I knew I was quoting a movie when I said "I agree... I agree" I just didn't know exactly what I was quoting. So I ask her... "what is that from again".... Katherine replied.... "you're quoting me!!!"

Oh boy... the joys of making movies in high school... Party For Nine, Dinner for One will go down in history. "Tally Ho!!!" "is that you're wedding ring?" "you have a crumb on your lip" "Daniels!!! I'm gonna kill him!!!" "That won't do"

If you didn't understand any of that... you so obviously need to buy Wheatley Speech 101 on Amazon.


angie said...

"Good thing we packed the Jammers"

Karla said...

"Get yourself something REALLY nice" Christmas Vacation

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Party for 9! When Tim says, "Daniels, I'm gonna kill 'im!" I explode. Best part of the movie for me. And just this week I quoted, "Is that your wedding ring?" A few times. Anna will never be able to escape that, ever.

Also, the Wilson family is the same way with quotes. I don't think anyone ever understands Connor.