mmm... another quarter life crisis... that sounds good... I'll have that

So just when I think I have my whole life planned out... graduating in April, floral design school, possible Skywest internship, my world has been turned upside down yet again.

My dream study abroad (which as of one week ago was not being offered in 2011) is now open and set for applicants! I would kill to go on this study abroad. Its the art history one, only this time it is only going to Italy, France, and London and we'll be there for a lot less time than the previous study abroads have been!

It is also the most competitive study abroad to be accepted to at BYU.. 26/82 people were accepted last year and only 6 non majors and I'm not an Art History major! So now I am considering becoming an Art History minor to bump my chances, which isn't bad at all as I love the subject. But that means delaying graduation even further and taking another 12 credits.

I don't know what to do. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see my favorite works in person and this is my ticket!!! I need advice people! Especially from the previous study abroad folks who read this blog! Is it worth it? More school, tests, finals, and enduring horrible whistlers at BYU for a possible 2 extra semesters just to go to Europe for 20-30 days? I'm lost. Help me. Should I graduate and go to Europe on my own or delay and go with BYU?


Liz and John Behunin said...

Hello do you even need to think about it. Get that application started and start thinking of what trendy jackets you will pack. You will never get an opportunity like this again. Do it, now!

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting because when I did the Art History study abroad in Spring of 2008, absolutely everybody got in that applied, and most of the girls in the group were non-majors. So I guess that has changed since I went? It probably depends on the semester. Or maybe the rumors that you need to be a major and/or it is tough to get in are meant to scare.

Go, go, go. It is worth it more than I could tell you. Especially if Mark Johnson is heading your group, he has a tender heart despite his efforts to appear otherwise :) Having the education you experience in this kind of setting is unmatched. If you were planning on graduating in April, wouldn't this study abroad be after that? You could just technically be done with your classes before you went and then graduate in August? I'm sorry, this is a novel now. Exciting, though!

jamie lynne said...

GOOOOO, Abby! It will never be something that you look back on with regret--i promise you that!
You have the rest of your life to be out of school and working-while you have the chance, TAKE iT!
loveeee you !