
Apparently I grew up on planet mars. Ever heard of pogs? A little cardboard circle used in a slapping game of sorts... if you haven't please let me know because I seem to be the only child from the 90s that missed out on the phenomenon. How can this be? My parents remember, all my siblings remember, but not me!!!!
This picture is horrifically disgusting, its the worst picture I could find of pogs, so therefore it had to be used. Ever since I was a child ALF has scared the crap out of me. The mere sight of his image makes me ill, I hate him! Almost as I much as I hate this whole pog nonsense. Apparently, they were as big of a deal as nanos, giga pets, and furbees.
Rest assured I owned plenty of those bad boys and still to this day have them. Koala Giga, Cat Giga, and two nano babies are all residing comfortably in my bedroom back home.

This pog ordeal will most likely drag me to the looney bin. For months I have been trying to plan a childhood nostalgia night/party. But now who will come, I mean everyone will want to play pogs, and I don't even know what they are! I guess every kid didn't collect rocks and potato bugs like me, or give pretend blessings to their dog... yes Katherine and I did attempt to give Muffin a blessing long ago. But we also gave a potato bug a proper funeral with a headstone and all; go ahead.....you can call us crazy because.....we are.

Do you know about pogs? Enlighten me.


anna said...

Pogs! I love pogs! If you have a childhood nostalgia party, I'm there.

Taunalee said...

My siblings and I were ADDICTED to pogs!!! Seriously, they were like gold to us... You seriously missed out, Abby.