Strange things are happening to me

On Monday I got a 75% on a multiple choice test. This is not acceptable.

Yesterday I saw my first ever roller blader on campus in the early morning high tailing it around campus... thats a first for me... Does he keep them on while sitting through class? How does he go up stairs without looking completely ridiculous? I have so many questions.

Also yesterday during my jogging class the track and field team was occupying the outdoor track, which is where we usually run, so we were forced run at a last minute location: the rugby field. We were doing speed interval training, which if you've never done before is pure torture. It took me back to my lacrosse days when I could actually run fast. Now I can't complain about the fact that the rugby players showed up for practice and started stretching, running, and being all tough and stuff.... I just wish they weren't watching me run my weak sauce body to exhaustion!

Today I fell up the stairs of the JFSB. I had my (40lb no joke) backpack slung on just one shoulder and when my foot barely hit the edge of the step my backpack jolted downward and brought me with it. A guy who was headed down the stairs stopped to ask if I was ok, as 40 lbs of textbooks falling to the ground makes quite the loud noise. (Seriously my backpack is so heavy that when I sit it in my front seat the no seat belt light comes on)

Thats this weeks update.


Karla said...

Question is, did you get the number of prince charming who came to your rescue??

jamie lynne said...

at least you didn't fall up the spiral stairs in the center of the jfsb that's always engulfed in dead silence!