
So a lot of the time I wonder what I am really doing in college. In most of my classes I feel that I learn nothing, am given endless amounts of reading, ridiculous finals, and take dinky attendance quizzes that fill in the gaps.

Today, however, for the first time in 2 years I had a profound moment. I have this amazing professor who actually knows how to hold the attention of the class. Besides the fact that he doesn't use boring power points, utilize blackboard whatsoever, or give any tests/finals he still manges to keep the attendance and attention of his students. We come to class having read the text we discuss it for two or three days then take a simple 10 question quiz and the conglomerate quiz scores comprise our grade. Isn't that what school should be? I feel like it has gotten so technical lately that many teachers can't even function with out a power point.

Back to my profound moment.

We were having a discussion on urban vs. rural areas and folk vs. pop societies. My professor told us to imagine that we'd broken both of our legs and we are lying in the hospital bed. He asked us (without posting in a facebook status that you'd just broke both your legs or sending endless texts to multiple people) you how many people would know that this happened to you? How many people would actually stop what they were doing to come and see you in the hospital?

The interesting part of our discussion is that besides family, not many people would come. We live in such a removed society that people wouldn't even be aware for quite some time as to what happened to you, and if they did know most likely they'd give their schedule the priority and wouldn't want to take the 20 minute drive to the hospital just to visit you. Sure a person may have 700+ facebook friends but what does that even mean? Is it a competition of who knows the most people. In urban societies we have more relationships but less attachment. People who live in pop culture societies tend to feel lonely a lot because while they may have all the facebook friends in the world... how many of their so called "friends" truly care for them.

We compared this scenario to a rural environment. If you broke both your legs your whole town would know. Everyone including your teacher and their dog would be visiting you in the hospital.

So here comes my profound realization. I hate our modern technology and how it has distanced us from what really matters. I can't stand it when people are glued to their iphones 24/7. Like they can't go 5 minutes sitting/waiting in silence just pondering, soaking in their environment, or actually holding a real conversation with a real person.

Facebook, has its good and bad sides but I know it has altered the way that I interact with people for the worse. I hardly ever call my old friends from high school because its just easier to facebook them. I also feel like there is quite the competition to see who has the busiest schedule, and not just necessarily on facebook. I used to feel that if every moment wasn't filled with some sort of scheduled activity or plan I was wasting time. Or that if I sat in my apartment for even two hours with nothing to do I was missing out on some huge party. Whatever happened to free time? We even schedule our fun now, sometimes even weekends in advance. For a long time now I have never felt pressure to have pre-made plans for the weekend. Whatever happens happens. I get annoyed with people who are always looking for a party or the next best thing. Just be happy with where you are and make your own party. My wise sister Katherine taught me that long ago, and I think we have way more fun than those people who drive and hop around to different parties looking for their so called version of a good time. Lame! Lame! Lame!

I'd always thought that I wanted to live in a large city someday but I think I'm changing my mind. We are here on earth for a reason... to experience it! Not live vicariously through electronic devices and search for the next best thing. Maybe living out in the middle of nowhere isn't as bad as it seems. Everything is so much simpler there. Am I the only technophobe that blogs? haha Probably.

Wow, this may be one of my longest rants ever.... sorry :) Peace & Blessings ya'll


Amy said...

Well said! This is why I am buying a farm within the next 10 years.. preferably somewhere in the Northwest. You can join me if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

Amen! This is why I deleted my Facebook long ago. I despise it. I couldn't agree more.

angie said...

I live in the middle of nowhere! Come live with me! Although, I will warn you, I love my facebook and I blog waaaaay too much! Oh yeah, and my laptop is glued to my hip. I will have you know though, I didn't even have an email account until 2 years ago. Shocking I know.

Amie said...

Love it Abby! I definitely agree. My husband wants to move to Alaska so we can get back to real life(although a lot of it is because he wants to get away from people too.) Ha ha. You're awesome!

Denise said...

I think that you just opened my eyes quite a bit! I never thought of it like that. My husband has wanted to live in a small town for a long time now...... I don't think I could do it! But I do have to say that I am not glued to my Facebook or my blogs. I am just too darn busy. Stick with the down time it is really good for you!

Anonymous said...

the FB has ruined society but i could never live in a rural place...where would I shop?

Abby said...

Amy- I would love to join you, I'll hold you to your word.. :)

Annalise- you make a very good point... the whole shopping aspect may just change my mind about living somewhere rural!