Shoe Me Life

I have many theries about life but my shoe theory is one of my favorites! I believe that if you were to walk around all day only looking at peoples feet you would find that attractive footwear=attractive person. A good dresser is a wonderful thing that is much appreciated and if you have good taste in shoes then the rest of your look will naturally be put together as well.
I'm not saying that I've always had good taste in shoes... everyone makes mistakes right? The basis of the philosophy is as follows...

I love to walk around BYU's campus and looking at guy's feet before looking at thier face. I've become pretty good at finding a shoe and stereotyping the face and personality that goes along with it.

For example... a guy wearing running shoes is most likely wearing simple jeans with a logo sweatshirt, "running" shoes have thier name for a reason, come on now. However, these are probably the nicest and smartest guys on campus.
A guy wearing vans is most likely wearing a plaid shirt or polo paired with a well fitted jean; don't forget the square framed glasses. Sometimes artsy sometimes not, they usually have quite good hair...he's got style, he knows it, but unfortunately thats not a desirable duo.

A guy wearing rectangular long dress shoes is likely to be wearing snug Beatles pants with a preppy sweater or a nice business shirt with a dashing belt. He also doesn't use a back pack, a shoulder bag is more suited to fashion needs. These guys, while they may be overdressed--- I hate to admit... look real fine.

A guy wearing tivas or chacos is a back to nature, tanned arm and leg, rock climbing, guy who most likely has an awesomely technical backpack and an even more high tech water bottle; and from previous experience- these people are really high energy and fun to be friends with. So don't be hate'n on the tivas. Ya hear?

Guys who wear neon high top nike dunks usually have very bold personalities and are ballers. You know, they've developed thier own strut and are all thug-like with thier hoodie shading thier brow and one hand in their pant pocket. I secretly aspire to be like that... which is why my good friend Liz took about 100 pics of me trying to be thug- unfortunately as you can see didn't work out. I guess I'll stick with my mary janes, pearls, and apron which I'm perfectly content with.Take the shoe philosophy for a test drive sometime.


angie said...

Who is the girl in the picture. That can't be my Abs.

I likie the philosophy.

I wore my slippers to the grocery store today, analyze me.

Katherine said...

Funny stuff. I especially like the description of the nature lovers. You forgot to post about the guys wearing the Hollister flip flops though. The sweet bro

Liz and John Behunin said...

What about the guy who wears black or white socks with his berkinstalks. He sports a byu sweatshirt with tapered jeans. He keeps an engagement ring in his pocket just incase he happens upon that special someone.

Nicki J said...

Abby this is hilarious!! I totally judge people by their shoes so I'm glad you understand :)