So lately I am realizing just how non-athletic I am, and I must say... it is quite annoying. And in college, sports participation cannot be avoided no matter what you do... believe me I've tried. Sports are not my cup of tea. I'm the girl who wore her leg brace longer than needed to high school just to avoid the basketball section of gym class. Volleyball? I'll pass. Golf? Highest score award (ps. that's not a good thing). Skiing? The Bunny Hill and I have a good time. Ultimate Frisbee? Are you kidding. Softball? It's manageable. Swimming? Does having underwater tea parties count? The saddest part is that I recently discovered the so called friendly playground games of four square and kickball are also added to my "Abby cannot play" list. And to make matters even worse... two weeks ago I found out that I couldn't ride a bike. DUN DUN DUN...... I know... its pretty bad. Sure I may have played lacrosse in high school but really... I just played so I could wear this cute outfit and tie a ribbon in my hair.
No. 4.... check it
I think it all comes down to reflexes and coordination... I have neither. I'm a champ at aerobics and step, just pumped out a half marathon, and really love working up a good sweat. Sports just aren't my fort-ay. Hiking sounds like a really good hobby for me to pick up. No coordination required. Now... i just need to make friends with people who like to hike so I can make it to the top of Provo's very own pride rock. Oh and wait 6 months for good weather again. Why do these realizations always come too late?


jamie lynne said...

umm, hello ?! i like to hike && i live on the other side of your wall, freak! let's do itt

tori said...

amen. i'm not much of a sports girl either.

and... your blog is great. i laugh every time i read it. so thanks :)