Check it out!!!!!! New Blog!!!!
I will now be blogging at so check it out! Goodbye merry bobbins.... I shall miss thee
New Blog URL????
I get a lot of questions about my blog's URL. Quite frankly, I'm not a big fan myself- merry bobbins??? What is that? I originally chose the name as this blog was meant to document all my sewing/crafting ventures. I go though a lot phases and I happened to be in a homemaking one at the time. That soon subsided. Then I used the blog as a means to keep in touch with my family while I lived in Florida. Now I post pretty much whatever I feel like... but I really want to change my blog's URL name. But is it really worth it? Everyone who has a link to my blog would have to change its URL and it creates a whole chain process, but the name I have now is simply unfitting and not relevant anymore... What's the consensus... I need your opinion... as after all, you guys will be the ones who have to change your links!
Strange things are happening to me
On Monday I got a 75% on a multiple choice test. This is not acceptable.
Yesterday I saw my first ever roller blader on campus in the early morning high tailing it around campus... thats a first for me... Does he keep them on while sitting through class? How does he go up stairs without looking completely ridiculous? I have so many questions.
Also yesterday during my jogging class the track and field team was occupying the outdoor track, which is where we usually run, so we were forced run at a last minute location: the rugby field. We were doing speed interval training, which if you've never done before is pure torture. It took me back to my lacrosse days when I could actually run fast. Now I can't complain about the fact that the rugby players showed up for practice and started stretching, running, and being all tough and stuff.... I just wish they weren't watching me run my weak sauce body to exhaustion!
Today I fell up the stairs of the JFSB. I had my (40lb no joke) backpack slung on just one shoulder and when my foot barely hit the edge of the step my backpack jolted downward and brought me with it. A guy who was headed down the stairs stopped to ask if I was ok, as 40 lbs of textbooks falling to the ground makes quite the loud noise. (Seriously my backpack is so heavy that when I sit it in my front seat the no seat belt light comes on)
Thats this weeks update.
Yesterday I saw my first ever roller blader on campus in the early morning high tailing it around campus... thats a first for me... Does he keep them on while sitting through class? How does he go up stairs without looking completely ridiculous? I have so many questions.
Also yesterday during my jogging class the track and field team was occupying the outdoor track, which is where we usually run, so we were forced run at a last minute location: the rugby field. We were doing speed interval training, which if you've never done before is pure torture. It took me back to my lacrosse days when I could actually run fast. Now I can't complain about the fact that the rugby players showed up for practice and started stretching, running, and being all tough and stuff.... I just wish they weren't watching me run my weak sauce body to exhaustion!
Today I fell up the stairs of the JFSB. I had my (40lb no joke) backpack slung on just one shoulder and when my foot barely hit the edge of the step my backpack jolted downward and brought me with it. A guy who was headed down the stairs stopped to ask if I was ok, as 40 lbs of textbooks falling to the ground makes quite the loud noise. (Seriously my backpack is so heavy that when I sit it in my front seat the no seat belt light comes on)
Thats this weeks update.
A Black Cloud
I can't remember if I've ever blogged about the levels of stench that exist in this world, but in case I haven't heres a quick run down (as an explanation is needed to preface this story).
Green Cloud: manageable yet still uncomfortable stench that fills the air
Dark Cloud: bad bad body odor or stench that makes you turn and walk in another direction
Black Cloud: the worst of the worst, run away from the stench and warn all others headed in its path
In my art history classroom every Monday I open the door to a black cloud. I can't figure out if its a continuous stench that is in-bedded in the carpet somehow or if it is someone who constantly has horridly awful body odor. This smell has been constant and never failing all semester... there is a guy who sits by the door and I can't help but wonder if he is the cause of all of this... but he does have a ring on his finger meaning he is married... and you would hope to think that his wife would fix this body odor problem. But people still continue to sit by that stinky spot by the door every week. Am I the only one who can smell this... I really don't understand how the people who sit in its vicinity muster it.
Help me solve this mystery!!! Room # 2105 JKB
Green Cloud: manageable yet still uncomfortable stench that fills the air
Dark Cloud: bad bad body odor or stench that makes you turn and walk in another direction
Black Cloud: the worst of the worst, run away from the stench and warn all others headed in its path
In my art history classroom every Monday I open the door to a black cloud. I can't figure out if its a continuous stench that is in-bedded in the carpet somehow or if it is someone who constantly has horridly awful body odor. This smell has been constant and never failing all semester... there is a guy who sits by the door and I can't help but wonder if he is the cause of all of this... but he does have a ring on his finger meaning he is married... and you would hope to think that his wife would fix this body odor problem. But people still continue to sit by that stinky spot by the door every week. Am I the only one who can smell this... I really don't understand how the people who sit in its vicinity muster it.
Help me solve this mystery!!! Room # 2105 JKB
Hey Good Looking
Some actors are just plain good looking...
Exhibit A:
However, then there are those movie stars that you wonder what all the fuss is about... If they were just an average joe walking down the street, girls wouldn't be thinking thats the most attractive man I've ever seen... This is CLEARLY seen with the beloved Edward Cullen... ughhh I shall never fully comprehend women's fascination with him... its gross.
Ryan Gosling... sorry to say it... but if it weren't for the Notebook... who knows where you'd be
And Ah.... Chuck Bass... Your suits are what make you.
Remember this guy in 10 Things I Hate About You... not so appealing... remember him in inception.... ummmm.... much better
Long, greasy, straggly hair is usually not the best way to tame the mane, but apparently if you sing a song on your high school bleachers dedicated to Kat Stratford, all is forgiven.
Who doesn't love Jim Halpert... you terrorize Dwight, and we love you for it.
Again long straggly hair and a nasty beard somehow work for this guy... he really looks better as Aragorn than he does in real life.
This post doesn't really have a relevant point... I just realized that.
Long, greasy, straggly hair is usually not the best way to tame the mane, but apparently if you sing a song on your high school bleachers dedicated to Kat Stratford, all is forgiven.
Who doesn't love Jim Halpert... you terrorize Dwight, and we love you for it.
Again long straggly hair and a nasty beard somehow work for this guy... he really looks better as Aragorn than he does in real life.
This post doesn't really have a relevant point... I just realized that.
I went to a BYU Rugby yesterday at Rio Tinto Stadium and it was pretty awesome. Not only was it my first time in the actual stadium since it was built, but was my first rugby game ever. Let me tell you, it is the coolest/roughest/most entertaining sport.
Cute players, knee socks, short shorts, unparalleled athleticism are what make this sport great. This "move" in the picture below is hilarious to watch. I don't know the name of it, but I termed it "the mermaid". Men shooting up out of the crowd to get the ball, I guess rugby players give yell-leaders a run for their money. But it looks quite painful... no?
Anyways, these players were in such good shape it made me tired just watching them. They sprinted like cheetahs. None of us knew the actual rules of the game so we mostly enjoyed nicknaming the players, cringing at the hard hits and then watching the players roll on the field in sheer agony while the game continued on as if no one was injured. Just some of the nicknamed players were Rufio, Avatar, nice shoes, and Butch, why didn't we refer to them by their numbers? Because thats no fun at all is it? I would highly recommend going to one of their games.
A funny and forgotten story
I have some nephews who say some pretty funny things to me sometimes.
My nephew Jack came down to visit two weeks ago and the first thing that he runs up and says to me is "Hey Abby. Guess what I got?" What Jack? " I got a pink eye!" Haha low and behold his eye did have a lovely pink hue! Kids say the darnedest things. Another Jack story just came into my head. While playing outside with me and Katherine my dad said to Jack, "You have two crazy aunts." Jack looked down at his feet and said "I don't see any ants."
These pics are really old and need a major update! But they were all I had. ...what kind of an aunt am I? Congratulations to Tom and Angie! They're expecting a boy!!! Hooray for another much needed nephew!
Food Fight
This weekend I had some time on my hands since everyone and their dog left town for the holiday. So naturally this is what I researched all weekend... food. I love Cafe Rio. Don't even try to make me eat Costa Vida, Bajio, Barbacoa, or any of those other lame imitators. Cafe Rio has the best tortilla shells known to man. And sadly I now know why!!! 420 calories goes into that delicious tortilla and there is even more in the whole wheat version. My favorite Pork Barbacoa salad has 1,240 calories with everything on it, but I usually put my own spin on it. I get the whole wheat tortilla, black beans, pork, lettuce, pico, lime, cilantro, and it still comes to 800 calories... thats with using no dressing at all! Dang those delicious tortillas!
Now onto another favorite! The Hawaiian Pizza from CPK. I can finish anything you put in front of me... including a CPK personal sized pizza, which the term "personal size" at CPK means can feed two or three, or a small village somewhere in the abyss. 1055 calories.... oh cripes!!!
Ok now onto the heavy weight champion when it comes to high caloric food items.... The Carrot Cake from Cheesecake Factory... drumroll please......... 1,549 calories! You could either eat this one slice of cake ... or.... eat 1 Big Mac, 1 large fry, diet coke, southwestern salad (with no chicken), and a snack size oreo mcflurry for the same amount of calories. Or to put it into even better perspective you could eat THREE and a half Veggie Delight FOOT LONGS from Subway.
Talk about sheer food madness... Michael Phelps is probably the only person who could eat all of this as he consumes 12,000 calories a day. Ugh... that makes me ill. I'm going to the gym.
Guilty Pleasure #9
Now by no means have I EVER watched Family Guy, but my sister showed me this clip and we love love love the way he says Guilty.... now every time I say the word guilty in this post, you'd best imagine I'm saying it like this...
ok ok now onto the GUILTY pleasure
Childhood is the greatest. Recess, capri suns, playing outside till its dark, and pretending to be asleep on late car rides home just so your parents will carry you to bed (so you don't have to brush your teeth). Some of my favorite childhood memories come from my favorite TV shows. Oh yeah, Guilty Pleasure #8: I still like to watch children's TV. I was at the gym the other day and Arthur was on TV, which is my all time favorite show! I felt kinda funny watching it as everyone else around me was watching Bad Girls Club or Jersey Shore. Who cares?
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..... GUILTY............. They have a live stage version of this show at Disney World. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see it. And also that I didn't want to go back and see it again.
Sesame Street... seriously you can't go wrong with this one. Katherine and I watch the Christmas Special (which we still own on VHS made in the 70s) every year..... GUILTY!
Tinker Bell, yes true I did live with her once upon a time, but I loved these movies before I even left for Florida. No wonder I like babysitting... I get to watch all my favorite shows!
One last time for kicks..... GUILTY!!!!!!!
Grandma Pillows
I absolutely love my bedding. Its from the Shabby Chic Collection at Target and so so fabulous. But shockingly, not everyone seems to love it! Our apartment has limited seating, so whenever we have people over to watch a movie they have to sit or lay on the floor. I love pillows, and my bed has quite the plethora, so naturally I bring them out for people to use to be more comfortable.
One night while watching a flick, I go to grab my pillows and what to my heartbroken ears should I hear upon returning? "Abby what the heck? Why do you have grandma pillows?"
Grandma pillows? Grandma pillows?!!!!!! "They're not grandma..... they're shabby chic!!!!"
Am I crazy? (I used this picture specifically for my crazy eye quality) Below is the whole ensemble... People please.... I need your opinions. Have I been blindsided by my love for the Taj Mahal of superstores: Target, and their array of shabby chic bedding? I always joke that I'm 80 years old... but could it really be true? Painting nails, going to bed early, migrating to Florida, and buying grandma bedding!
Or to love it as much as a real dog? I must say we both have stunning eyelashes.
One night while watching a flick, I go to grab my pillows and what to my heartbroken ears should I hear upon returning? "Abby what the heck? Why do you have grandma pillows?"
Grandma pillows? Grandma pillows?!!!!!! "They're not grandma..... they're shabby chic!!!!"
So the above picture is my bedding, and so called grandma pillows.... pshhhh
I can't deny the fact that I have pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean, Gene Kelly, Walt Disney and the Beatles hung on my walls... (ugh I think I just dug myself into a hole there)... But I thought I had good taste in duvets. Let me know... I can take it.
FYI, there is a new love in my life. We met in Florida... her name is Lady. Is it unhealthy to buy a stuffed animal for yourself at the age of 20?
I have a love and hate relationship with technology. Somehow every time I change something on my blog disaster strikes, and then I am forced to spend hours fixing what I changed. I need a computer savvy person to help me out!
However one thing good came out of this. I found this polaroid converter and I love it. It makes this beauty of a flag look even more amazing eh? And on a side note, I spent the whole entire day inside my apartment. I woke up feeling sick and decided to skip all my classes...very uncharacteristically Abby, however I found it strangley liberating.
However one thing good came out of this. I found this polaroid converter and I love it. It makes this beauty of a flag look even more amazing eh? And on a side note, I spent the whole entire day inside my apartment. I woke up feeling sick and decided to skip all my classes...very uncharacteristically Abby, however I found it strangley liberating.
Jim Henson what were you thinking?
Tell me this is not the scariest thing you've ever seen. And to think, my parents let me watch this movie when I was 8.
NO sweets NO facebook February
I am saying goodbye to these delectable treats for the month of February. No sweets. Period. I did this same fast last January and honestly it feels so good. You don't really even crave sugar anymore by the time the month is over.
Another thing I'm giving up is facebook. I realized just how much time I waste on it and deactivated my account. I've only been without facebook for two days... but I've already been so much more productive.
Dating in P-Town Dos
So in my ward we have this dating & relationships class, and let me tell you, church has become much more entertaining because of it. I think they should replace regular sunday school classes in all singles wards with this class. I mean, I didn't even have to pull out my doodle paper pad once! It was only a four week deal, so the class is over now but some hilarious things came out of it.
Such as... " Guys, don't corner girls into a date." Amen to that sista. Cornering a girl into a date is calling her and asking "hey what are you doing Friday night?". The girl starts to think... oh boy... what do they want? Are they going to ask me out? Or are they asking me to help with the ward service project or something along those dreadful lines. If she says that she's doing nothing, she's almost obligated to go out the guy regardless of how she feels. If she says she's busy, the guy is pretty much toasted. See.... burned on both ends. This is an awful way to ask someone out. One time an attractive male called me with that exact same intro and I thought, wow is he asking me out? Wrong! I said I was free.... but.... too bad it wasn't a date with him, he was asking me to double with his friend who wasn't quite all the way there, if you know what I mean. Ever since I have been very tactical when it comes to phone calls like that.
I've also learned its ok to say no. Sometimes it feels like you get asked out by all the wrong guys, and the ones you really want to ask you out are either too scared, unobservant, or not interested. I have a really big problem with always saying yes even when I don't want to. I'm predictable. I'll go on a first date and if its fun, I'll always say yes to a second. But then usually something "interesting" happens on the second date and I tend to flee, then proceed to disappear into outer darkness so the boy can't ever find me again. You'd think that by never hanging out with someone or returning calls they'd get the idea. I'm an avoider, but what I really just need to do is say no. Has anyone ever said no, and had a positive experience before? If you have I'd really like to know. I can say that I've never met a girl who's just straight up said no, without lying or making up an excuse. I'd be the first of my kind if I could pull it off.
Such as... " Guys, don't corner girls into a date." Amen to that sista. Cornering a girl into a date is calling her and asking "hey what are you doing Friday night?". The girl starts to think... oh boy... what do they want? Are they going to ask me out? Or are they asking me to help with the ward service project or something along those dreadful lines. If she says that she's doing nothing, she's almost obligated to go out the guy regardless of how she feels. If she says she's busy, the guy is pretty much toasted. See.... burned on both ends. This is an awful way to ask someone out. One time an attractive male called me with that exact same intro and I thought, wow is he asking me out? Wrong! I said I was free.... but.... too bad it wasn't a date with him, he was asking me to double with his friend who wasn't quite all the way there, if you know what I mean. Ever since I have been very tactical when it comes to phone calls like that.
I've also learned its ok to say no. Sometimes it feels like you get asked out by all the wrong guys, and the ones you really want to ask you out are either too scared, unobservant, or not interested. I have a really big problem with always saying yes even when I don't want to. I'm predictable. I'll go on a first date and if its fun, I'll always say yes to a second. But then usually something "interesting" happens on the second date and I tend to flee, then proceed to disappear into outer darkness so the boy can't ever find me again. You'd think that by never hanging out with someone or returning calls they'd get the idea. I'm an avoider, but what I really just need to do is say no. Has anyone ever said no, and had a positive experience before? If you have I'd really like to know. I can say that I've never met a girl who's just straight up said no, without lying or making up an excuse. I'd be the first of my kind if I could pull it off.
(P.S. This may be one of my favorite pictures of all time)
Finally, the big M-word. Marriage. This article explains it all I'm 20 years old. Uhhh.... thats really young. But somehow mormon culture tells me that by graduating from BYU unmarried (which I will be doing this year) I'm a lost cause. Marriage will happen when it happens, its not a race and by George shouldn't be! Read this article, its pretty spot on! This concludes Dating in P-town exposed: issue #2 by Gail. (which is what people are calling me these days, and its truly awful, but if you can't beat it, embrace it)
Your life was a fantasy!!!
So this past week I was lucky enough to return to my home away from home... Orlando. I love that place, everything about it brings back good memories and fun times.
This was our lovely view from the Polynesian... can life get any better? With 50% off.... I submit it cannot.
Also our view of the Grand Floridian from our deck. Ah.... its so gorgeous. Kill me now.
The Disney Dining Plan gets a thumbs up from Mama Wheatley... more food than you could ever want!
My excited face soaking in all the Disney goodness
This trip wouldn't have been complete without a trip to the nook, one of my favorite places on this entire earth.... Wilderness Lodge I love you.
This little man came home with me (amongst way too many other souvenirs)... Canadian goofy... the only good looking goofy in my opinion.
This trip created a new experience for me... one of the few things I haven't done at Walt Disney World is go inside the castle... And now I can say that I have! Yep. We're on our way to eat dinner with Miss Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, and Belle. Food= not so good. Experience = once in a life time.
I love Disney. I really plan on moving there after I graduate. Florida is beautiful and most importantly WARM. Canada... I'm so sorry, but weather is the one situation in which we clash. I really don't know if I will survive the rest of this cold winter. No wonder I loved living in Florida... it was like I was living in a fantasy dream world of an endless vacation... yes... thats true... but hey, who wouldn't choose that over the real world. If anyone wants to flee to Florida and live a fairy tale life, let me know... I'm looking for a roommate!
This is my 100th blog post! So in celebration I listed 100 of some of my absolute favorite things.
Anthropologie. Art History. Apples. Antique stores. Being on time. Boots. Blogs. Beatles music. Boys who wear good shoes. Bread Pudding. Thank you cards. Cruises. Canada. Cardigans. Classical music. Costco. Cow licks (named Buelah). Candles. Cooking. Dinosaurs. Drawing pictures in church. Doodling in general. Doing impersonations. Disney. Earth. Earl of Sandwich. Emporium. Exercise (in the gym, cuz you know I don’t play sports). Family. Florida. French Toast. Friends. Fruit. Frozen Yogurt. Flowers. Grandparents. Gap. Gospel. Geography. Homemade lunches. Hiking (which I need to do more). Humidity. Hide & Go Seek. Humus. Ipods. Jobs. John Mayer. Jam. Jokes. Kitchen appliances. Letters (sending and receiving). Little white dogs. Lamp lighting. Latte bowls. Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies. Laughing. Movie Trailers. Mountains. Maple everything. Maps. Muffin. Mustard. Making lists. Marilyn Monroe. Nail polish. Nordstrom. New York City. Olympics. Organizing. Old movies. Privia hunting. People watching. Peanut Butter. Phone calls. Quilting. Rain. Restaurants. Recycling. Random thoughts. Rock collections. Salads. Salsa. Sampling. SNL. Shoes. Shopping. Skype. Traveling. Trees. The Tower of Terror. Trail Mix. Target. Umbrellas. Urban Outfitters. United States of America. Valentine’s Day. Vintage items. Wilderness Lodge. Warm weather. Zebra domes.
If you didn't know me before... now you do! Thanks to all 5 of you who read this blog! If I left anything that is quintessentially Abby out of the list be sure to let me know. Peace and Blessings.
Guilty Pleasure #8
Growing up, my family watched all sorts of time period classics like Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, Dr. Quin Medicine Woman, American Gladiators ( I had to throw those last two in for kicks) and so on... so naturally a guilty pleasure of mine is watching the newer Masterpiece Theatre versions of classic novels... which are truly great
Sense and Sensibility
Wuthering HeightsPersuasion
Northanger Abbey
PBS is boss. These shows have the most serious introductions done by various celebrities... which are hilariously stern yet addicting at the same time... hence.... a guilty pleasure. Sit me in a wingback chair with a cozy blanket and small dog sleeping on my lap... (throw in a cigar and brandy for image purposes) and you've got a Sunday night with Masterpiece Theatre at its finest. Cheers!
Diamonds are Forever
So last night I was watching TV with my parents and a James Bond movie was on - Diamonds are Forever. Now I have never seen a James Bond movie before but my parents love em and said I should watch it. When the opening credits began to roll a song began to play... I said, "hey Kanye West did a remix of this song" to which my father said.... "huh, does she go to BYU". I did not even attempt to watch the movie after this... I was simply over come with laughter. No dad, she doesn't go to BYU and oh yeah, Kanye West.... is not a girl. I think explanations of Eminem, Fergie, Usher and Lady Gaga can be expected in the future as well.
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